Ted Cruz seeks to uphold Constitution and "Rule of Law" banning ILLEGAL invaders from U.S.A. Citizenship (Photos/VIDEOs) - www.AmericansNotWanted.com


U.S.A. Veterans first, please!

Ted Cruz seeks to uphold Constitution and "Rule of Law" banning ILLEGAL invaders from U.S.A. Citizenship

Hispanic/Latino ILLEGALS have invaded the U.S.A. without any real concern, care or reflection on the harm they are doing to U.S.A. citizens.

The Obama/Soetoro Treasonous administration has welfare agencies and others directing U.S.A. men and women into the sink hole of being welfare dependent, as well as, cutting back on procreating all the while ILLEGALS are given the keys to the U.S.A.. A sickening part of all this is that foreign governments are dictating that their citizens be taken care of which more times than not, are better than U.S.A. citizens receive.

ILLEGALS are being given work in the U.S.A. to kinda give the impression that they are helping and being worth while citizens, but this is only a diversion. The real fact of the matter is that there aren't enough jobs to go around and to cover up the invasion, U.S.A. citizens are either steered as cattle to slaughter by becoming welfare dependent, or being forced to live in the woods, on streets and/or anywhere they can to just survive.

Soup kitchens and/or shelters are in place for U.S.A. citizens, while ILLEGALS steal work and pay to lay their heads in safety, pay for their own food and send money to support their own kind. All of this is being done while U.S.A. are slowly exterminated out of existence.

Set up in place to cater to ILLEGALS is a vast network of 501(c)(3) businesses using taxpayer funds to operate. They range from staffing agencies to free legal services, from special rewards to go to college to catered to medical and dental. All of which U.S.A. citizens DO NOT qualify for.
GET IT?          

Millions of U.S.A. citizens have been displaced from work in their own country due to Hispanic/Latino ILLEGALS using trickery with the race card and/or expressing how they are owed something from U.S.A. citizens.

The real RACIST today in the U.S.A. are the Hispanic/Latino ILLEGALS who have set out to take over the U.S.A. for their own profit/gain/control. They do no justice to those who have come to the U.S.A. utilizing the legal methods in place at the time of their arrival.

Go to "The List" and come to know of those companies and others in the U.S.A. who are catering to the invaders. Could these companies and/or others be considered as committing an act of Treason?    

Michael Love, IIO


Ted Cruz Seeks to Ban Illegal Immigrants in U.S. from Citizenship

Cruz's amendment would prevent 11 million currently here from earning legal status

May 8, 2013
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, filed an amendment on a new immigration bill that would eliminate a path to citizenship for the 11 million illegal immigrants already here.
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, a newly elected Republican with a penchant for making headlines, filed an amendment that would bar undocumented immigrants currently living in the United States from ever earning citizenship.

There are an estimated 11 million people living in the country illegally, and a bipartisan immigration reform measure would create a pathway to citizenship over the course of 13 years by requiring those people to pay penalties and back taxes, as well as learn English. Conservatives opposed to reform decry the path as amnesty, but Democrats say they will not support reform that does not cope with the immigrants already living in the U.S.

Cruz also filed amendments that he says would "strengthen border security measures; reform the high-skilled temporary worker program; modernize, streamline and expand legal immigration; and prohibit federal, state or local entitlement benefits for those here illegally."

Sen. Ted Cruz: Obama doesn't want immigration bill to pass

"The amendments filed today to strengthen border security and reform our legal immigration system will not only bring meaningful, effective improvements to our immigration system, but also have a chance of becoming law," said Cruz in a press release. "America is a nation of immigrants, built by immigrants and we need to honor that heritage by fixing our broken immigration system, while upholding the rule of law and championing legal immigration."

Cruz isn't the only one throwing potential poison pills into the mix. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Pat Leahy, D-Vt., filed a measure that would grant immigration rights to same-sex couples.

 If adopted, that amendment would erode Republican support for the carefully crafted compromise.

 And while it's highly unlikely the Democratically-controlled committee would adopt Cruz's controversial amendments, Leahy's offering very well could be included.

The committee is set to vote on the amendments Thursday.

Video of the
Dallas March and Rally for Immigration Reform Awareness

More News:


Ted Cruz Is Working To Stop Obama’s Amnesty Plan!: Says no to future Democrats

Posted on by
jcComment by Jim Campbell, Citizen Journalist, Oath Keeper and Patriot.

Obama as we all know is a complete fraud.  

Had he been interested in immigration he would have had it passed when he held both offices.

Now we find under his twisted version of his view on illegal aliens, they are let go when American citizens go to court or possibly jail.

His purpose here it to make the illegal immigration issue a battering ram for the upcoming elections.

ICE Agent Arrest Criminal ILLEGAL Invader, now faces Suspension

He will be successful unless Republicans put fort a better plan and begin articulating it to all Americans including Hispanics who have far more in common with Republicans, than Democrats.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it, I’m J.C. and I approve this message.

Ted Cruz Will Not Allow Obama
To Illegally Import New Democrat Voters!

Ted Cruz is fighting to stop Obama’s plan to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants.  Ted Cruz is a committed conservative warrior and will not let radical liberals make a mockery of America’s laws.

Obama’s immigration plan is nothing more than a voter drive for new Democrats.  We cannot let Obama succeed!Any plan that has a path to legalization for illegal aliens is opposed by Ted Cruz.
We cannot reward law breakers!  Cruz, whose family came from Cuba, advocates increased border protection to guard America from foreign enemies.Citizenship is a special privilege, and Ted Cruz needs our help to protect our immigration system from Obama’s leftist cohorts!
Patriots for Economic Freedom has authored a petition demanding that Congress reject any legislation that grants citizenship to illegal immigrants.

Obama needs to be reminded that America is a nation of law-abiding citizens.  Granting amnesty to those who have no regard for our laws will not be tolerated! 

Below are some responses that have been posted. (No selective picking was given):


  2. 11 million New Gun Owners Mr Shumer if you dident think they left Mexico for there Health you were wrong , My take is they prefer to live in a country where they can FIGHT BACK… thats something that comes along with being an American …… 2 Amendment

  3. Not only is it a Democrat VOTER drive, but a BURDEN on taxpayers, to pay their FREE SHIT! Just so Democrats can get votes? I DONT THINK SO! I say stop ALL immigration! Legal and illegal! We need to get our country straightened out . Got enough Tacos and fu%&ing muslims on our plate now!


Ted Cruz, the Anti-Rubio Who Is Determined to Stop Immigration Reform



The Texas freshman has become the face of the GOP opposition to immigration reform—and that could boost the senator’s prospects in 2016, reports David Catanese.

Three weeks after he was elected to the Senate, Ted Cruz delivered a speech in a dimly lit downtown Washington hotel ballroom addressing the thumping his party had sustained at the ballot box, particularly at the hands of Hispanic voters. 

Sen. Ted Cruz speaks during a hearing on Capitol Hill in April. (Mark Wilson/Getty)

“The issue is not, as the media would suggest, 100 percent about immigration,” the Texas senator told the banquet of conservatives, deriding the press corps’s “obsessive”focus on that issue.

“I think Republicans need to remain a party that supports securing the border and stopping illegal immigration and at the same time welcomes and celebrates, champions legal immigration,” he continued, to thunderclaps from the favorable audience. “It ain’t the answer just to suddenly talk about immigration and forget everything else. I’m going to suggest instead a different path.”

Just as the immigration debate is heating up—and Cruz’s own potential presidential aspirations are coming into sharp focus—the 42-year-old Cuban-American is now looking to make good on his word.

No Republican senator has been a more audacious opponent of the bipartisan approach to immigration than Cruz. And being a freshman who has been a part of the seniority-driven chamber for less than four months makes the play even bolder.

“In my view, any bill that insists upon [a pathway to citizenship] jeopardizes the likelihood of passing any immigration-reform bill,” Cruz told the Senate Judiciary Committee in no uncertain terms last week.

Of course, that’s the central tenet of the legislation—pitting him squarely against the bill’s chief sponsor and fellow Hispanic, Florida Sen.Marco Rubio, also a 2016 presidential contender.

If Rubio is set to become the vaunted hero if the compromise holds, Cruz will be remembered, for better or worse, as the wrecking ball if it crumbles.

Since Ted Cruz took office, some people have accused him of being the new Joseph McCarthy.

Even as Rubio has doggedly tried to frame the package as a “border security” bill—complete with new technology to beef up surveillance of high-risk sections of the 2,000-mile Mexican border—Cruz has sliced it up as yet another government boondoggle filled with false promises.

The Tea Party favorite notes that a mere 58 of the bill’s 844 pages address the border-security component and says the proposed security triggers that will be used to legalize new citizens lack real teeth. “There are no objective metrics in place to ensure any triggers in this bill will be meaningful,” Cruz said after a hearing with Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.

One political adviser to Cruz explained that while the senator has refrained from a full-frontal shelling of immigration reform, it’s highly unlikely he’ll ever get to a place where he can vote “aye.”
If Rubio is set to become the vaunted hero if the compromise holds, Cruz will be remembered—for better or worse—as the wrecking ball if it crumbles.
“Ted really would like to do some real immigration reform in a way that doesn’t alienate Hispanic voters, but the path that they’ve gone down is not something he’s going to support,” said the adviser, who declined to be identified.

“It gives too much control to the Obama administration, allowing them to do studies that he doesn’t believe they have any good intention of doing. The big picture is not a bad sell, it’s when you dive in, that’s where the devil lies. You’ll see Cruz focus on the flaws of the details rather than attacking it on the big picture.”

But while the adviser insisted that Cruz’s position isn’t being calibrated with an eye toward a 2016 White House run, he concedes that being a leader of the opposition to “amnesty” would be helpful in early primary states like South Carolina, where the senator is scheduled to address a state GOP dinner on Friday. National Review reports that Cruz is seriously considering a presidential bid.

The adviser also points out that other reform advocates include John McCain, as well as prominent liberal Democrats such as Chuck Schumer: “I think Marco’s kind of hurt himself here, with the Republican base.” (A Cruz spokeswoman said the senator was too busy for an interview.)
In other words, Cruz in no way wants to be associated with those he sees as the Senate’s “squishes”—a term he recently used to slight some of his Republican colleagues who complained about his aggressive posture during the gun-control debate.

Rubio’s team has every reason to play nice. His playbook throughout the fight has been to engage critics and their concerns constructively—a concerted effort to slowly win, or at least placate, the hearts and minds of the conservative commentariat. There’s no advantage to getting into a public knife fight with the pugnacious and self-assured Cruz, who is building a following with the same grassroots conservatives Rubio will need in a White House campaign.

“We have a ton of respect for Senator Cruz and value his suggestions for how to improve the immigration legislation,” said Rubio spokesman Alex Conant. “We’ve talked a lot with Senator Cruz and his staff and really appreciate their insights. As somebody from a border state with many immigrants, Senator Cruz will have important suggestions for how to help improve the proposal.”

But Cruz’s operation is counting on the entire thing to die, if not in the Senate, then almost surely once it gets to the House. And then Cruz could claim to be the one 2016er who fought comprehensive immigration reform and won.

That would be the textbook play in a Republican primary, based on past experience. Remember the flak that Texas Gov. Rick Perry took last cycle for calling critics of illegal immigrants “heartless”? Or the backlash Newt Gingrich provoked when he declared that longtime undocumented residents should be allowed to remain in the country?

Dan Harvell, a South Carolina GOP county party chairman, said he “totally” agrees with Cruz’s opposition to immigration reform. “I think he’s right, and we don’t need to be so tolerant as many would have us be,” he said.

Yet some Republicans pollsters contend that attitudes in their party are gradually softening, with one recent McLaughlin & Associates survey showing that 66 percent of GOPers support reform that includes a waiting period of several years for those who came here illegally.

“Cruz opposing a security fix that’s needed in immigration reform won’t help,” said John McLaughlin, who conducted the March poll. “On the other hand, if like Sen. Rand Paul he is able to make important changes and helps fix a broken system, he may really boost his standing well beyond his Texas conservative base.”

But some of those who marshal the troops and resources in primary campaigns are not only standing in solidarity with Cruz but notably souring on Rubio.

“I think what Marco Rubio’s doing right now is not how the Senate is supposed to be operated. It’s certainly not deliberative,” said Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots.

Cruz “is asking the tough questions, especially in the hearings,” she said. “He’s doing what he can to force the Senate to be more deliberative. That’s a good thing. And the people in the Tea Party movement appreciate that.”

and stay 


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The U.S.A. used to be a fine place and it will be back!

Immigrate responsibly, or please stay home!