The Original list of Sanctuary Cities, USA

The U.S.A. and U.S.A. citizens are experiencing an all time high influence of CORRUPTION within its own borders. 

It used to be - not so long ago - that when others came to the U.S.A. to immigrate, they tried to be good ambassadors, assimilate and become U.S.A.  citizens, but not any-longer it seems. Most of those, and surly most of the illegals, who are coming to the U.S.A. taking (stealing) work away from U.S.A. citizens seem to have no remorse, regret, care and/or thought of consideration with respect to the U.S.A. citizens they are intentionally inflicting harm to.

These invaders are all too quick to use the "race card", "Me poor", "My children need to eat" and more, only to trick others into giving into their calculated and fortified infiltration into taking over the U.S.A. for their own. We at AnotW have communicated with so many of these "poor" immigrants driving around in expensive vehicles, wearing lots of gold jewelry and having expensive electronics - to mention a few. Not what you would expect from immigrants coming to the U.S.A. who state they are struggling. Well, the truth is that most of these non-USA citizens and/or illegals taking part in invading the U.S.A. are not struggling, but actually are benefiting from U.S.A. citizens not
and stay

So, if you kid could not find work this summer or a summer in the past, and/or you are fearful of loosing your work or have, then blame yourself for not
and stay

Below is the link to a that has already been keeping a list of cities that offer safe haven to criminals and/or those who are breaking apart the Constitution, stealing work away from U.S.A. citizens and/or otherwise bringing harm unto U.S.A. citizens in one form, fashion or another without due restitution, regret, remorse and/or care about those they hurt. What has become most interesting, is that the number of non-USA citizens and/or illegals who were asked about how they feel about taking work away from U.S.A. citizens and the harm it is doing to U.S.A. citizens and/or to the U.S.A., most not express to care. All but 8 of these same non-USA citizens and/or illegals were wearing some sort of religious symbol. Interesting! Not all of those coming to the U.S.A. come to bring harm unto U.S.A. citizens and/or to the U.S.A., though. Some come with a real want to become an U.S.A. citizen and support the U.S.A., have genuine compassion, honesty, ethics, morals and/or some sort of real consideration of others, but others ...!

Below are some of those who did not express concern for U.S.A. citizens.

It is not a joke people! U.S.A. citizens are going hungry, loosing shelter, livelihoods and being forced and/or kept in poverty!
The same is not so true for non-USA citizens and/or illegals.

These reports are in any way, yet not limited to, done and/or connected with bias, racism, hatred, dislike, revenge or anything of the such. The reports are just really is taking place, so please unplug yourselves from your unreal channel and take a peek into the real world about you. Maybe, just maybe this madness can end or at the very least, ease back to a tolerable level for most.

U.S.A. citizens are being hurt, abused and/or driven out of existence, so please do not take part in this spiritually and mentally insane harm, whether in part or in whole. Thank you, kindly!

By Steve Salvi, Founder,  

Despite a 1996 federal law [the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act ( IIRIRA )] that requires local governments to cooperate with Department of Homeland Security's Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), many large urban cities (and some small) have adopted so-called "sanctuary" policies. (more)
Note:  This article was first written in 2006  by Steve Salvi, Founder, Ohio Jobs & Justice PAC and last revised on 7-23-12. 

The sanctuary list is continuously updated.  It was last updated on: 7-23-12 
More cities that AnotW has found to be and verified as "Sanctuary Cities" is supplied, so keep checking back to Steve Salvi's site for a continual update.

AnotW has been working on completing the most comprehensive compilation of businesses and those who work non-USA citizens and/or illegals instead of U.S.A. citizens, especially U.S.A. veterans. Hope to be bringing it your way so very soon!
Are you on it?
You sure?
When AnotW brings it your way, you can check to see if you made
"The LIST".