Stand down U.S.A. citizens, criminals rule the U.S.A.

Here is an article from the good patriots at ALIPAC:

Illegal Aliens Plan Multistate Protest Tour

We have been asking employers, illegals and non-USA citizens to allow an U.S.A. Veteran and an U.S.A. citizen to work in their own country - the U.S.A.

Not many willing responses thus far, but who knows the war of expelling the invaders is just gearing up! The arrogance and shear willingness of the nasty illegals and/or non-USA citizens to be a part of the harm being done to the U.S.A. and its citizens is wrong and shows that they actually DO NOT care about U.S.A. citizens, nor the U.S.A.

.      We know illegals and/or non-USA citizens need food, but so don't U.S.A. citizens. 

Hire U.S.A. & it will work again!

and stay

Immigrate responsibly, or please stay home!
The U.S.A. used to be a fine place.

On another note, here is a link to a what could be frightful if you value good morals, ethics and an unwillingness to tear apart the U.S.A.. Could the man in the article be just another one in the White House who would bring evils, dismantling of the Constitution and possibly more?
All too many Hispanics and/or Latino's are racist. Is he?

Is Antonio Villaraigosa poised to be America’s first Latino president?