Democrats Proudly Declare We All Belong to the Government. Ditch God From Their Platform.

The U.S.A. did not set out to become a nation designed around socialism. The U.S.A. was and is about that which the Creator had intended for humans. Yes, we do make mistakes and at times are not without fault. The U.S.A. was and is a place for all people, but it is not a nation which is to be predominated by becoming the new Arabia and/or for pagan and semi-pagan enjoyment as their own domain. The U.S.A. will endure with the one true Creators blessing. Can the U.S.A. survive if those immigrants finding the U.S.A. as their new playground to do as they want and take as they find fit without regarding Scripture and the Constitution? Time shall be the answer to that! To CHANGE the U.S.A. into something unnatural and/or into that which predominantly will follow pagan and/or semi-pagan ways is just wrong and not with blessings as clearly defined in Scripture pertaining to Issac, Abraham and Jacob, as well as, the writings thereof, let alone being in alignment with the Constitution of the the U.S.A.. The U.S.A. and its citizens do not need to be tricked into Socialism/Obamaism/Communism. Scripture clearly informs humans on the Laws and how we are to be unto each other.
No Socialism/Obamaism/Communism of man's doing needed, Thank you! 

At the end of the article listed below from RedState,  there will be a link to view some of AnotW's pics of Obama's stealthy support of OccupyDC. OccupyDC which squatted and DID damage to the "We the People" park at McPherson Square, was not in honesty for all of the, "We the People". AnotW was embedded at OccupyDC and is still working on this revealing story, but for now read over the article below, and then take a look at the images: Obama's decay at work!

The Democrats Have Doubled Down on "You Didn't Build That". The State Built It.   

This is unreal. The founders must be rolling over in their grave. The constitution starts with “We the People,” not we the government. The government belongs to us, we do not belong to the government. The government is our servant. We do not serve government. We are Americans. We are not all wards or property of the state, despite Barack Obama’s best efforts. (more with video)

Mouse over, then click on the pic to be taken to Obama's Socialist/Obamaist/Communist OccupyDC slideshow
To stay up on revealing and exposing details of Obama's Socialist/Obamaist/Communist OccupyDC movement, bookmark and keep checking back here:

and stay

U.S.A. Veterans first, please!

The U.S.A. used to be a fine place, and it will be back!

Immigrate responsibly, or please stay home!