Joe the Plumber Unfiltered: Build a 'Damn Fence' and 'Start Shooting'

A thought from "Joe the Plumber" on a method to solve the invasion taking place upon the U.S.A.: 
Joe the Plumber Unfiltered: Build a ‘Damn Fence’ and ‘Start Shooting

Samuel “Joe the Plumber” Wurzelbacher is not politically correct and he’s proud of it. And to prove it, the Ohio Republican congressional candidate told a crowd of about 125 supporters in Arizona that the government should “put a damn fence on the border going with Mexico and start shooting.” (more)

  Just a note from AnotW;
We do not advocate violence and would rather that people think with reason - both sides - about forcing themselves upon citizens already about a country. We have been asking those take part in the invasion to think, and repent for the harm they are doing. The sad part of all this is that few of the invaders seem to get it, and even fewer even care. AnotW is working on reporting this and hope to finish it up so very soon.

Hire U.S.A. Allow us to work again!

U.S.A. Veterans first, please!

and stay

Immigrate responsibly, or please stay home!

The U.S.A. used to be a fine place, and we want it back!