Racism turn-around and Sheriff Joe Arpaio

U.S.A. citizens are going hungry in the USA when illegals and non-U.S.A. citizens are thriving. WHY?
This is fast becoming the new U.S.A. citizens dilemma - being hungry in the U.S.A. while illegals and/or non-U.S.A. citizens eat, lock their doors, can bathe, buy their own food and more. All of this do to them stealing work from U.S.A. citizens and being crafty bullies!
The Feds have taken the Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff, Joe Arpaio to civil court for what is being described as "racial profiling". Is it really that or is it something else taking place. With searching work in the U.S.A., and coming into contact with Hispanics/Latinos who take work away from U.S.A. citizens, I can clearly state that most, not all, of these invaders are not here to be neighbors. They are here to take over. This IIO has been told by many of these invaders that they do not want a white and/or black man working with them. They promote their own kind.
They are the real racist and are working to take over the U.S.A. for their own. 

How many of these invaders do you see and/or know of who actually help U.S.A. citizens who are not of their culture background?

This IIO has come to know of these illegals and/or non-U.S.A. citizens lacking compassion for a black and/or white U.S.A. citizen and even at times came to know of their evils unto such so many times, it is sickening. Wasn't or isn't the U.S.A. known for being compassionate?
  If Sheriff Joe and/or the Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff's office is truly guilty of racial profiling, then this is wrong, but U.S.A. citizens must understand that many of these so called "immigrants of today" are not here to integrate in U.S.A. culture and/or assimilate into it. They are here for their own agenda and/or kind and know of U.S.A. weaknesses which they have been and most likely will continue to build off of. Do you recall, press 1 for English or 2 for Spanish? Many, so many U.S.A. citizens are daily being turned down for work in the U.S.A. only to realize that work is being directed away from U.S.A. citizens and given to illegals and/or non-U.S.A. citizens. It is up to each and every U.S.A. citizen to not fall into the trap of hate, discrimination, seeking ill fate and/or biasness, 
but you DO need to
and stay 

Or this may be what you have to experience and look forward to:

Do not be racist as them, but do not lay down either or this may be your future!
Help them to understand the harm they commit upon U.S.A. citizens and the U.S.A. in English, please!


 Bellow are links to post about Sheriff Joe's civil trial.

Sheriff Joe making it right with illegal immigration

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Goes to Court in Latinos' Discrimination Suit

Class-action suit accuses Sheriff Joe of racial profiling in immigration 'sweeps'  

By Seth Cline


- Common Dreams staff


Joe Arpaio Trial: Arizona Sheriff Faces Racial Profiling Allegations